
Quick snippets of Cardio knowledge with Dr. Monica Aggarwal

Do you need stents if we see clogs in the heart?

Do we need stents if we see clogs in our hearts? Not always. In the setting of the ACUTE HEART attack, you will need an urgent treatment which requires a stent often.

But in those people with stable symptoms, non-emergent, you don’t necessarily need a stent. It depends.

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

Body Mass is a quick way to assess someone’s height-weight ratio. It is measured in kilograms over meters squared. If you have a BMI over 25 you are considered overweight. If your BMI is greater than 30, then you are considered obese. Many people think that Asians should have a lower #BMI threshold (≥ 23) to be considered #overweight because they appear to have increased chronic illness at lower BMIs. It is not perfect thought because people who are very thin with a low muscle mass can still have a central obesity and be at higher risk of disease.

What is a Plaque?

Do you know what the word heart plaque means? The job of blood vessels is to expand and constrict, depending on whether you need more or less blood to your organs.
If you have risk factors, your soft blood vessels can get damaged. Your body creates a band aid over the damaged area. Then cholesterol connects to the band aid and plaque is formed. This is the start of heart disease.

What is a Coronary Artery?

Have you ever heard of coronary arteries? When we are talking about coronary arteries, we are thinking about heart attacks, clogs or stents in the heart. The coronary arteries sit on the heart and provides blood flow to the heart. If you don’t get good blood flow, then the heart can die in the area causing a heart attack.

What are Heart Palpitations?

Do you get flutters in your chest that you worry about? Palpitations are extra heart beats that people feel occasionally. Many people have them when they drink alcohol or caffeine. They can also be associated with stress, dehydration and illness. If you have frequent symptoms, you should see your physician.

What is Heart Disease?

Does the term heart disease confuse you? Heart disease is an umbrella term for many heart conditions. But classically, heart disease refers to when arteries in the heart get clogged.

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