Dr. Monica Aggarwal

New Year’s Resolutions, Illness and Anxiety

I have been reflecting a lot this month about life and I want to share that. January marks one year since my family had COVID. We were so lucky not to have significant symptoms and I believe it is our clean living that got us through it well. My husband was doing his MBA last year and working full time plus helping manage our 3 kids, and with all that stress and lack of sleep, my husband developed Shingles in his eye. It was horrible. He was in constant pain. He would describe electric shocks going through his eye every other second. There was so much anxiety and worry about him losing his eye. I would wake up every hour to check on him and you feel helpless.

There has been some correlation between COVID and Shingles likely to the immune suppression. But I am always reminded about the impact of stress on the body. Even if you eat a plant-based very healthy diet, but then you don’t take care of your stress, you are still at risk for illness. My husband learned this last year the same way that I learned it 10 years ago. He is better now. He takes more time to breathe, walk and relax. His eye is better and we are okay. Lessons are important but sometimes back-breaking.

Since that time, I have developed a bit of an anxiety problem. Anxiety is not something we like to talk about, especially not as physicians. It is a sign of weakness, isn’t it. Amazing how pride pops in there without realizing it. The anxiety was significant. I am a great sleeper and all the sudden, I wasn’t. I couldn’t go to sleep at night, thinking that someone I loved was going to get sick and die. Or each cough that I heard was COVID and each headache was a brain tumor. Amazing, how our minds work, how anxiety works. This went on for about one year and now I am thankful to feel much better. How did I change? I wrote in my journal daily, thinking of all of the things that are good in my life. I thought about joy. I reflected on how my kids are sturdy and that they would be okay. I thought a lot about my own death and how, my family would be okay. I meditated a lot.

Every day, I learn something new about myself and about life. Each day, there is a new lesson. I have been reading books by Thich Nhat Hanh like Being Peace and Mindful Movements, both of which I recommend. I felt saddened by his recent death but remember Mitch Albom’s Stranger in the Boat and remember to think of death as an extension of life. Hard but important. I take from these books, this mantra, (breathe in), “I calm my mind and body.” (Breathe out and smile), “I smile at myself.” I was at the dentist this week and while I had scrapers and suction and spit everywhere, I did this meditation and my anxiety went down and I was o-k. Dr. Richard Edlich, my mentor in college, used to say, that it is not about finding peace on a mountain but finding it in daily life, in the here and now.

Some of my 2022 resolutions:

Get a job on my terms. I get to choose.

Work on my anxiety.

Make more connections.

Build more muscle.

Heal my inflammation, work at it every day.

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Women Vs Inflammation Online Event

Have you all heard about Jane Esselstyn’s annual event? This year the focus is: Women vs. Inflammation: Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Inflammation. Jane does a great event each March and I have been privileged to be part of several of them. This was will be a virtual event. I will be speaking about inflammation and heart disease, one of my favorite topics. The best part of the event is the love, joy and fun that you will feel after this day. It really is fabulous and you will finish the day feeling full. I always feel great when I spend the day with them. Click here to register.

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Webinar with Diet ID

Doing a fun talk with Dr. David Katz and the DietID team. My dear friend, Dr. Andrew Freeman, RD Adam Cole, Dr. Katz and I will explore how and why there is a low referral rate of cardiologists to registered dietitian nutritionists exists. In light of cardiology survey results recently published in the International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention, we will investigate and explain the role of the RDN in clinical cardiology, barriers to a team approach, and strategies to improve both referral rate and success of nutrition interventions. If you are interested in signing up, https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_w0kHioEvTzOW9SirqqGR4w

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How to Implement a Plant Based Menu into a Hospital

I had the pleasure of talking to the DC hospital association along with PCRM’s esteemed Dr. Neal Barnard. Our goals were to talk about how to start a conversation with hospitals about healthy food options. During that hour, I spoke about our experience at the University of Florida with instituting a plant-based menu for our patients. We talked about the barriers that we encountered and how we overcame them. Dr. Barnard talked about universal meals which is super important because allows for one meal plan to be offered to every person—removing all potential allergens and cultural concerns. He showed the financial costs and went through all of the benefits. There were so many good questions. Was really fun to participate in and as always, I am honored to work on these important topics with PCRM and with the DC hospital association. Take a look at the link: https://dcha.org/advocacy-policy/healthy-hospital-initiative/

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Body on Fire: How to Fight Inflammation with Cardiologist Dr. Monica Aggarwal

Podcast Episodes 149 and 150 with Switch4Good podcasters Dotsie Bausch and Alexandra Paul

What lovely women to speak with. We couldn’t talk about everything in on show. We talked about the pressure of being a woman. We talked about balance and stress and how that affects the body. We talked about being a physician in subspeciality medicine. We talked about the maternal clock. We talked about why I got sick and how we all get sick. We talked about how inflammation is triggered and how it needs to be quashed. So much to talk about and such a lovely time.

Click here to listen!

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Speaking at Plant Stock 2021

I am excited to join Rip Esselstyn and the rest of the Esselstyn family at Plant-Stock 2021. Whether you are new to the lifestyle or have yet to eat greens for breakfast, this event will help you start or strengthen your path to plants. Join in and spend a long weekend with the Esselstyns. Reflect on the progress and share in the vision of a world fueled by plants.

September 8-12 2021,
Online & Streaming Live
from the Esselstyn Farm!

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Plant Based Nutrition Support Group talk on Inflammation and Chronic Disease

Plant Based Nutrition Support Group was founded and established by Paul Chatlin in 2014. They are dedicated to evidence-based education and advocacy of plant-based whole food nutrition.

Dr. Aggarwal was thrilled to meet with the group to discuss how proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are key to reducing and preventing inflammation and chronic disease.

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