Speaking Engagements
Leveraging her deep knowledge in cardiology, nutrition and lifestyle and the open and honest way she communicates with her audience, Dr. Aggarwal is a highly sought after speaker. If you are interested in having Dr. Aggarwal speak at your event, please complete the speaking inquiry form.

Speaking Inquiry Form

Past Events
- Speaker and panelist, Lifestyle Tools for Prevention and Management of Heart Failure, European Society of Cardiology, April 2021
- Speaker and panelist, Lifestyle Tools for Prevention and Management of Heart Failure, World Congress on Insulin Resistance Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease, December 2020
- Speaker, Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: Therapeutics and Lifestyle Tools, American College of Cardiology India, September 2020
- Schwartz C, Handberg E, Pepine C, George J, Jain A, Desai D, Li Q, Stoll S, Aggarwal M. Benefit of One Week Immersion in Lifestyle-based Program for Sustainable Improvements in Cardiovascular Risk Factors Over Time, European Society of Congress, S2019, poster presentation
- Speaker, “Inflammation, Microbiome and Chronic Illness.” International Plant Based Nutrition Conference, San Diego, CA, September 2018.
- Speaker, “Complementary Therapies for Heart Disease Management”, American Congenital Heart Conference 8th National Conference, Orlando, FL, June 1-3, 2017.
- Mohammed Elzeneini MD, Jerin George DO, Hassan Ashraf MD, Ke Xu MS, John Petersen MD, R David Anderson MD, Eileen M Handberg PhD, Carl J Pepine MD, Monica Aggarwal MD. Impact of a Preventive Cardiology Clinic focusing on lifestyle and nutrition counseling: A Pilot Analysis, Poster presentation, American College of Cardiology
- Speaker and Panelist, Lifestyle Tools to Prevent and Manage Heart Failure, American College of Cardiology, Atlanta, Georgia, 5/2021 (pending)
- Speaker, “Successful Implementation of Lifestyle-Based Initiatives in a Hospital-based Environment,” American College of Lifestyle Medicine, October 2020
- Speaker, , “Diet and Chronic Illness,” Cardiometabolic Congress, August 2020
- Speaker, , “Nutrition and lifestyle and the impact on Cardiovascular Disease,” American College of Cardiology, Chicago, Illinois, 3/2020 (postponed due to COVID)
- Hsiao CJ, Akhavan N, Neilan P, Waheed N, Yagnik K, Aggarwal M, Singh N, Hahn P, Coy M, Zaidi Z, “University of Florida (UFCOM) joins the Times Up Healthcare Consortium: Baseline data for further action”, Poster, Learn Serve Lead 2019: The AAMC Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 8-12, 2019.
- Eagan D, Spencer Bonilla G, Marak S, Aggarwal M, Singh Ospina N “Treatment of Hypothyroidism in the Setting of Acute Myocardial Infarction”, Poster, 89th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association, Chicago, IL, October 30-November 3, 2019.
- Speaker, “How to Incorporate Healthier Options into the Hospital”, American Nutrition and Dietetics meeting, October 26-29, 2019, Philadelphia, PA
- Speaker, “Nutrition and Chronic illness”, Northwest Region Veg fest, Portland, Oregon, October 2019
- Aggarwal M, Sattari M, “Exploring Internal Medicine Physicians’ Physical Activity Knowledge and Personal Behavior”, Abstract, American Conference on Physician Health, Charlotte, NC, September 19-21, 2019.
- Singh Ospina N, Kazory A, Sattari M, Aggarwal M., “Physicians Knowledge on Nutrition and Exercise, and their own Behavior. A survey study”, ePoster Presentation AACE 28th Annual Scientific & Clinical Congress, Los Angeles, CA April 24-28. 2019.
- McDougall Health and Medical Center Physicians Advanced Study Weekend, CME event- “How Lifestyle can Affect your Risk for Illness”, Santa Rosa, California, February 10, 2017.
- “The Efficacy of Real-Time 3-Dimensional Echocardiography for Right Ventricular Biopsy.”
Abstract # 1053-77, poster presentation, American College of Cardiology, Orlando, FL, March 2005. - “Is There Consistency in the Benefit from Disease Management Across Subgroups of Patients with Heart Failure? The Span-CHF Trial” Abstract # 3213, oral presentation, American Heart Association, Anaheim, CA, November 2001.
- Speaker, Middlesex Hospital, “Incorporating Nutrition into a Hospital System,” June 2021
- Speaker, MUSC, “Lifestyle based practices for Management of HFPEF,” May 2021
- Speaker, Lakeland Regional Health Cardiovascular Symposium, “Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease,” February 8, 2020, Lakeland, FL.
- Speaker, “Prevention/Nutrition in Cardiology”, Oral Presentation, Cleveland Clinic, Weston, FL, September 12, 2019.
- Zaidi Z, Wyatt T, Dallaghan GB, Hahn P, Aggarwal M. Open the Front Door to Communication: Microresistance to Microaggresssions. Workshop presented at the Southern Group on Educational Affairs 2019 Regional Conference, March 28–30, Orlando, FL.
- Sattari M, Aggarwal M, Singh Ospina N, Agito M, Ataya A, Bubb M, Hahn P, Joseph I, Kalyatanda G, Murphy M, Zaidi Z, Kazory A. Stress and Physicians-Are Health Care Providers Coping in a Healthy Manner. Poster presented at the Southern Group on Educational Affairs 2019 Regional Conference, March 28–30, Orlando, FL.
- Sattari M, Aggarwal M, Singh Ospina N, Agito M, Ataya A, Bubb M, Hahn P, Joseph I, Kalyatanda G, Murphy M, Zaidi Z, Kazory Exploring Internal Medicine Physicians’ Physical Activity Knowledge and Personal Behavior. Oral presentation, presented at the Southern Group on Educational Affairs 2019 Regional Conference, March 28–30, Orlando, FL.
- Josephe I, Singh Ospina N, Sattari M, Agito M, Kazory A, Bubb M, Ataya A, Murphy M, Hahn P, Zaidi Z, Aggarwal M. The Mismatch of Nutrition Beliefs and Actions Among Health Care Professionals. Oral presentation, presented at the Southern Group on Educational Affairs 2019 Regional Conference, March 28–30, Orlando, FL.
- Speaker, Florida American College of Chapter, Orlando, FL, “The Role of Nutrition in Cardiovascular Disease. August 18, 2018
- Speaker and Panelist, Lifestyle Tools to Prevent and Manage Heart Failure, American College of Cardiology, Atlanta, Georgia, 5/2021 (pending)
- Speaker, “Successful Implementation of Lifestyle-Based Initiatives in a Hospital-based Environment,” American College of Lifestyle Medicine, October 2020
- Speaker, , “Diet and Chronic Illness,” Cardiometabolic Congress, August 2020
- Speaker, , “Nutrition and lifestyle and the impact on Cardiovascular Disease,” American College of Cardiology, Chicago, Illinois, 3/2020 (postponed due to COVID)
- Hsiao CJ, Akhavan N, Neilan P, Waheed N, Yagnik K, Aggarwal M, Singh N, Hahn P, Coy M, Zaidi Z, “University of Florida (UFCOM) joins the Times Up Healthcare Consortium: Baseline data for further action”, Poster, Learn Serve Lead 2019: The AAMC Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 8-12, 2019.
- Eagan D, Spencer Bonilla G, Marak S, Aggarwal M, Singh Ospina N “Treatment of Hypothyroidism in the Setting of Acute Myocardial Infarction”, Poster, 89th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association, Chicago, IL, October 30-November 3, 2019.
- Speaker, “How to Incorporate Healthier Options into the Hospital”, American Nutrition and Dietetics meeting, October 26-29, 2019, Philadelphia, PA
- Speaker, “Nutrition and Chronic illness”, Northwest Region Veg fest, Portland, Oregon, October 2019
- Aggarwal M, Sattari M, “Exploring Internal Medicine Physicians’ Physical Activity Knowledge and Personal Behavior”, Abstract, American Conference on Physician Health, Charlotte, NC, September 19-21, 2019.
- Singh Ospina N, Kazory A, Sattari M, Aggarwal M., “Physicians Knowledge on Nutrition and Exercise, and their own Behavior. A survey study”, ePoster Presentation AACE 28th Annual Scientific & Clinical Congress, Los Angeles, CA April 24-28. 2019.
- McDougall Health and Medical Center Physicians Advanced Study Weekend, CME event- “How Lifestyle can Affect your Risk for Illness”, Santa Rosa, California, February 10, 2017.
- “The Efficacy of Real-Time 3-Dimensional Echocardiography for Right Ventricular Biopsy.”
Abstract # 1053-77, poster presentation, American College of Cardiology, Orlando, FL, March 2005. - “Is There Consistency in the Benefit from Disease Management Across Subgroups of Patients with Heart Failure? The Span-CHF Trial” Abstract # 3213, oral presentation, American Heart Association, Anaheim, CA, November 2001.
- Anesthesia Grand Rounds, “The Role of Perioperative Testing for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment,” 9/2020
- General Internal Medicine faculty, “How to Use Nutrition in your practice”, Gainesville, FL, November 2019
- UF Cardiology Grand Rounds, “The Role of Nutrition for the Doctor and Patient”, Gainesville, FL, November 7, 2019
- UF Medicine Residents, “Resiliency in medicine”, Gainesville, FL April 12, 2019
- Heart 2 Heart Symposium, “Cardiac Diet”, Leesburg, FL, February 22, 2019
- Gainesville Veg Fest, “Changing the world one plate at a time”, Gainesville, FL, February 16,
2019 - Anesthesia EKG Conference, University of Florida, “EKG Basic’s”, January 30, 2019
- Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Florida, “The Optimal Diet: What do we Really know?”, April 12, 2018
- Resident Report, University of Florida, “Nutrition for the Medical Resident”, April 10, 2018
- Cleveland Clinic Wellness Center, “The Role of Nutrition in Chronic Illness”, Lyndhurst, OH, March 10, 2018
- Preventive Cardiology Conference, “Short update on New cholesterol guidelines PLUS Congestive heart failure and lifestyle tools”, Gainesville, FL, February 25, 2018
- Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Florida, “The Role of Nutrition in Chronic Illness/Heart
Disease”, June 8, 2017 - Women’s Advantage Gainesville “How What You Eat Really Does Matter”, Gainesville, Florida, May 25, 2017
- Heat, Heart, Head UF Orthopedics Center, “Why Nutrition is Important at Every Age”,
May 20, 2017 - Integrative Medicine Conference 2017, “The Role of Nutrition in Managing Chronic Illness –
moving outside of the pill”, University of Florida, Gainesville FL, May 5-6, 2017 - Oak Hammock Senior Center, “Lifestyle Matters”, Gainesville, FL, May 4, 2017
- Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease for Women Conference-” How my daughter saved me. What I
learned outside of Medical School”, Cleveland Clinic Wellness Center, Cleveland, OH, March 11,2017 - Prevention Conference, “The impact of Nutrition on your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease”, University of Florida, Division of Cardiology, March 3, 2017
- Access Center, “How Lifestyle can Affect your Risk for Illness”, University of Florida, February 24, 2017
- Cardiology Nurses Luncheon- “Healthy Heart”, University of Florida February 2017
- Women’s Advantage Group- Avoiding Chronic Illness: The role of nutrition and mind body awareness, University of Florida, Wyndam Hotel, February 9, 2017
- Mary Kay event- “How Women Can Control Their Cardiovascular Health”, University of Florida
Hilton, February 7, 2017 - Residents lectures 2017- “The role of lifestyle in chronic illness: a cardiologist’s perspective”, January 27, 2017
- Women and Heart Disease Conference- “Role of Nutrition and Supplements in Management of Cardiovascular Disease”, Atlantic Beach, January 21, 2017
- UF Coders Conference, “The Role of Nutrition in Your Health”, UF Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, November 28, 2016
- Integrative Health and Medicine Interest Group, “The Role of Nutrition and Lifestyle in Your Practice of Medicine”, University of Florida, Internal Medicine Residents, University of Florida, Internal Medicine Residents
- “The Spices of Life” and “Inflammation of Chronic Illness: The Role of Diet in Illness”,
October 24, 2016 - Community talks on diet modifications to improve cardiovascular health; focus on spices, role of the microbiome in inflammatory disease, 2014-present
- “Heart pumps and Transplant: The Next Step after Failed Medical Therapy,” University of Maryland, Cardiology, December 2004
- “Cardiac Replacement with the Total Artificial Heart,” University of Maryland, Cardiology, September 2004
- “Asian Indian, A Risk Factor for Heart Disease,” University of Maryland, Cardiology, July 2004
- “Heart Disease and its Implications in Pregnancy” University of Maryland, Cardiology, March 2004
- “Univentricle and the Fontan Procedure. Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult Patient” University of Maryland, Cardiology, October 2003
- “N-Terminal Pro-BNP in Relation to Inflammation, Myocardial Necrosis, and the Effect of an Invasive Strategy in Unstable Coronary Artery Disease” University of Maryland, Cardiology, December 2003